Thursday, September 23, 2010

Puppysitting Lucy DANGAH: An Epic Evolution

Growing up, I generally thought adults were batshit crazy when they cried, "Oh my GOODNESS!!! I can't believe how much you've GROWN!!!" Years later, I now find myself in the same sad, old lady-associated mindset as I watch Lucy grow. My little baby's getting so big-- Oh no. I'm turning into Great Aunt Maude.

On the other hand, she still has that baby face and always-energized puppy demeanor, which means I have more baby time with her. She still likes to get into chewing fits and chases my hand around with her gums and pointy teeth playfully bared.... Looking exactly like a bat. Until next time, think of Stellaluna.

My friend Laura was in love with her. Who wouldn't be? She's impossible not to love, the little bat.

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